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There is another option…REJOICE!

For pretty much most of my adult life when I have been faced with a tough situation my first instinct is to look at what is happening, try to figure out why it is happening or what may have caused the issue to arise. It is my way of processing. It is my way of trying to look at the situation from different angles. It is my way of accepting so I can move on. I do not instantly jump to the joy side of an issue. It does not come naturally for me. I need to talk with people I trust, spend time in prayer, and read and journal to help me make sense of the issue.

There was a time in my parenting teenagers where I really struggled to see the joy and truly rejoice in the hardship of the moment. I had no idea it would be so hard for me to raise teenagers. However, God used that time to grow me, change me and strengthen me. I see that now, but at the time, not so much. I would get so mad and frustrated at some individuals who I was confiding in at how they would respond to me. I just began to withdraw from them and only talk about surface things to avoid the lectures, or what felt like lectures on how I need to embrace and “enjoy” the moment. Oh, how that just infuriated me! I know they are trying to help but it made me feel horrible. I began to believe my thinking was wrong, even doubt my faith was strong enough. I was beginning to fall into the lie that the moment I begin to think positive all my problems will go away.

Have you ever been so wrapped up in a situation it consumes your thoughts? It begins to weigh on you, zap your energy and make you feel like a prisoner in your own life. Well, that is how I felt. I was like, “there has to be a light at the end of this tunnel.” There was a light at the end, but it was not the answer I expected. God began to slowly change my thinking and my heart, not necessarily my situation. I had to get to a place of being so fed up with feeling crappy that making the change was my only option. When not changing is worse than the change, we tend to be more open to actually trying a different way.

As I was reading one morning the verses in Romans 5:3-5 jumped out to me in a different way. Verse 3 starts out with, “We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials.” The word too came alive for me, too can mean also in the English language. So, I re-read the verse using the word also instead of too. What I felt God speaking to me was it is completely normal to feel anger, frustration, disappointment and sadness. But, I could also choose to rejoice knowing that God is working in and through me even when it is tough. I needed to pursue God. Get to know God even more. Rejoice in who God is. Fully believe God will get me through my situation(s) even though it is hard, uncomfortable, and sometimes sad.

I do not feel guilty anymore when my first instinct is sadness or frustration because I know my faith is strong. I also choose to rejoice in the one who will handle my problems. I rejoice in the one who will protect me, guide me, and show me his plans for my life. My problem is still there and I may still be mad or frustrated, but my joy comes from knowing who is in control.

My faith is in God. God is in control.

Processing takes time and is different for each person. I think that is normal.

Thankfully, God never left my side. Through my prayers, tears, journaling, reading and talking with people who could be there for me, God has really shown up over and over again. Big time!

Romans 5:3-5 NLT

“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.”

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